Rabu, 15 Juli 2009


The recently enacted federal stimulus package, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, contains a set of provisions known as the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act ("HITECH Act") that advance the use of technology in healthcare, principally by encouraging

Electronic Health Records
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hospitals and physicians to adopt an electronic health record ("EHR") system before the end of 2015. The act also provides funding for, among other things, an EHR infrastructure and technologies to allow for the electronic flow of information; the support of regional and sub-national efforts toward health information exchange; the promotion of interoperable clinical data repositories performing comparative effectiveness research on how electronic data use impacts healthcare treatments and strategies; and the integration of health IT education in the training of healthcare professionals. In addition, the HITECH Act establishes new responsibilities for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services ("HHS"), through the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (the "National Coordinator"), to develop and adopt policies and standards, including new privacy standards, for EHRs and other forms of health information technology. Given the scope of the HITECH Act, and its mandate to HHS to act quickly, regulations and guidance are likely to be issued by the agency regarding the next steps for providers and others to take in the near future. Below are some preliminary questions that hospitals and physicians may want to consider.

Senin, 13 Juli 2009

peregrine gaming gloves change your hand become keyboard

Keyboard interface is most important that must be owned a computer and after several decades of no change much. Products that try to replace the last function is kerboard Peregrine Gloe, though does not seem to be replacing the keyboard for your Mac or PC, but may make you more addicted to the online RPG games with its functions which can not be imitated by any of the keyboard ...

Demonstrated at E3, Peregrine is essentially a glove with elastic cables that sewed on some part in it. Connecting the finger - the finger and palm, and you change the signal to be generated key that you used to have to press on the keyboard. For example when you clink your thumb with the index finger, then you can remove the magic, you touch the palm with the middle finger food you can heal themselves, etc..

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Jumat, 10 Juli 2009

Quick Count

Saiful Mujani, Ph.D.
Direktur Eksekutif Lembaga Survei Indonesia (LSI)

Dalam seminggu terakhir ini berita tentang hasil pemilihan gubernur Sumatra Selatan banyak dikaitkan dengan hasil “perhitungan cepat” (quick count) beberapa lembaga atau perusahaan. Ini karena lembaga-lembaga atau perusahaan konsultan itu mengumumkan hasil Pilgub Sumsel hanya sekitar 1-2 jam setelah masa pencoblosan ditutup. Ini sangat cepat dibanding kalau harus menunggu hasil pleno KPU kabupaten yang memakan waktu setidaknya 7 hari.


Namun demikian, quick count di Pilgub Sumut ini kontroversial. Hasil Quick Count banyak diberitakan dan disorot oleh berbagai kalangan terutama karena tiga lembaga yang menyelenggarakan quick count mengumumkan hasil yang bertentangan (kontroversi). Lembaga Survei Indonesia (LSI) mengumukan pasangan Aldy menang dalam Pilgub tersebut dengan perolehan suara 52,12 persen. Dengan magin of error kurang lebih 1%, maka angka paling buruk yang diperoleh Aldy, menurut LSI, 51,12% (52,12% – 1%). Bahkan kalau margin of error-nya 2% seperti yang digunakan oleh Perseroan Terbatas Lingkaran Survei Indonesia (PT. LSI) dan Pusat Kajian Strategis (Puskaptis), Aldy tetap menang dengan perolehan suara 50,12% (52,12% – 2%). Ini berarti, menurut LSI, Aldy dipastikan menang kecuali terjadi kecurangan secara berarti dalam rekapitulasi suara dari TPS oleh petugas, atau terjadi kesalahan penghitungan oleh LSI sendiri.

Sumber Situs LSI: http://www.lsi.or.id/profil/direktur-eksekutif.